February 27

Misty Cliffs


About an hour and a half down the coast about a 100km south, you get Misty Cliffs in Scarborough which is an awesome big air and wave riding spot. Probably one of the gnarliest and most dangerous kiting spots in the Western Cape.

If you don’t know what you are doing, you can get into big trouble here. 

It is located on the Atlantic side of the peninsula. With barely any protection from the big ocean, this area gets some very cold big swell and gale force winds from the Atlantic.  

The wind pounds this little bay and the nearby rocky cliffs. Whitsands is the beach where you set up your kite equipment. Misty Cliffs is a little upwind of the Whitsands beach. 

Since Misty Cliffs is a rocky coastline, you can not set up there, you have to ride from Whitsands. 

Best winds: October – March

Best Direction: SSE, S, NW

Also works: SE, SSW, SW, N

Water Temp: 4/3

Water Type: Small to Big Waves

Beach Type: Sand and shells

Riding Type: Wave-riding, Free Ride and Big Air

Experience: Advanced to Pro Riders

This spot is only for intermediate/advanced riders because if you drop your kite and can’t relaunch it fast, you are pretty much screwed. 

Either you will get swallowed up by the 3 story swell and get thrown on the rocks or the current will pull you out to sea, never to be seen again. 

BUT don’t let this scare you away. There is plenty of fun to be had, with plenty of kickers and you can catch some sweet wave rides inside the bay. 

A place that really performs in the North-west is Whitsands and Misty. You get an extremely powerful reef-break, really sick but very dicey in front of the rocky coast. 

SSE winds are preferred from those big air twin tip days and NW sets up a perfect wave-riding day. If the wind is too easterly, the wind will be incredibly gusty and unreliable.

Whitsands is a great place for jumping on days when the swell is small. Even on days when there is not a ripple in Blouberg, you get head high waves here.

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